EESG Travel Awards to the AAG Annual Meeting
We are thrilled for AAG 2023 and supporting student travel to the conference
Submission Deadline: Friday, October 21st, at 11:55 PM Pacific Time, using the below form or by following to this link:
The Energy and Environment Specialty Group (EESG) of the AAG will offer support to graduate students who plan to present at the AAG Annual Meeting in Denver, CO, in March 2023. This year EESG is offering awards of $200 for MS/PhD students to support travel. You may apply regardless of whether you attending virtually or in-person. However, preference will be given to in-person applicants due to the extra costs incurred in traveling to Denver. An award decision will likely be announced by November 4, 2022.
Amount: $200, which is intended to cover some of the costs incurred in preparing for and attending the annual conference
Criteria: Must be a graduate student, and EESG Member (if you are not a member of the EESG at the time of application, you will be expected to become a member upon receipt of the award).
If you are selected, you will be asked to provide information about the date, time, and location of your session in the weeks leading up to the AAG session. We will share that information with the EESG community through Twitter and our website.
Current Winners:
Past Winners:
2022: Carys Behnke, Georgia State University
2021: Hernan Bianchi Benguria, University of Toronto; Claire Burch, University of Oklahoma
2020: Natallia Leuchanka Diessner, University of New Hampshire; William Delgado, University of Texas at Austin; and Dong Liu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign