EESG Best Student Paper AWARD

The student paper award provides a cash award of $300 to recognize outstanding research scholarship. The cash prize is awarded during the business meeting of the EESG at the AAG annual meeting. 


Review Criteria: 

Submission instructions: 

Current Winner:

2024: Nazifa Rafa, Cambridge University

Past Winners:

2023: Yue Guo, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 

2022: Edgar Virgüez, Duke University  

2021: Carelle Mang-Benza, University of Western Ontario 

2020: Danya Al-Saleh, University of Wisconsin, Madison

2019: No Applicants

2018: Meredith DeBoom, University of Colorado at Boulder

2017: Tyler Harland, University of California at Los Angeles

2016: Trey Murphy, Texas A&M University

2015: Thomas Loder, Texas A&M University